Weekly Read March 23, 2015

AAUP Identifies Assaults on Governance: Could This Be Our Future?

College and University Governance: Idaho State University
“…on February 17, 2011 by the Idaho State Board of Education to suspend the operation and bylaws of the faculty senate at Idaho State University and to direct ISU president Arthur C. Vailas to “implement an interim faculty advisory structure.” The board acted on the recommendation of the president, one week after the faculty voted no confidence in his leadership. In a press release, the board characterized its action as “the most reasonable… to take at this time” because of “the impasse between the leadership of the senate group and the administration.”

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College and University Governance: Idaho State University

College and University Governance: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
“…in summer 2007 by the board of trustees and the administration of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute to suspend the faculty senate and replace it with a “transitional structure of faculty governance.” The board and administration stated that they took this step because the senate had declined to follow a board directive to amend its constitution to exclude all but the tenured and tenure-track faculty from the senate’s constituency and membership…”

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College and University Governance: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

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